How to Get Dog Pee Smell Out of Your Car? Step by Step Guide


One of the most regular and unavoidable situations that comes with dog ownership is a dog peeing in places where it should not. Accidents happen no matter how highly trained or obedient the dog is. Dogs pee suddenly as a show of submission or stress: perhaps the dog was suddenly thrilled by someone’s presence, or it finds automobile journeys stressful? Being prepared is beneficial in every scenario.

For Cloth Car Seats to Get out of Dog Pee 

What you will need:

  • White Vinegar: White vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent that can efficiently remove filth, debris, and stains. It works effectively for cleaning since it includes acetic acid, a powerful acid. Furthermore, vinegar is a disinfectant. Among vinegar, distilled white vinegar is frequently the most acidic.
  • Dish Soap: In addition to killing bacteria, dish soap can assist to mask the disagreeable odor of vinegar. Furthermore, it is mild on the cloth.
  • Cloths: Cloths are required to wipe up the pee.

How To Get Rid Of Dog Pee Out Of Cloth Car Seats

Step 1: Let the car air out.

Before you do anything else, open all of your car doors to prevent the odors of the urine and cleaners from staying in your vehicle. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves throughout this operation.

Step 2: Blotting 

The most common materials used in automobiles are probably nylon and polyester. They are strong, but extremely porous and rapidly absorb fluids.

If the event occurred recently and the seat is still wet, begin by blotting it with paper towels or a clean towel to help absorb excess moisture. Avoid pressing the stain with the towel; otherwise, you’ll merely force the liquid deeper into the seat.

Step 3: Make a Cleansing Solution

If you don’t have or can’t afford a commercial cleaner, you may make your own with common home products.

Combine the following ingredients in a small dish or an empty (and clean) spray bottle:

  • 2 cups iced water
  • 1 tbsp dish detergent
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar

To avoid excessive bubbling, gradually combine the components.

Step 4: Cleaning 

Dip a clean and dry cloth into the cleaning solution and dab it on the stain, or spray the solution over the stain if you have a spray bottle. Use a small amount since you don’t want your seats to take a long time to dry, therefore use a small amount.

Dab the solution into the stain using the blotting technique, beginning on the outside and working your way in.

Step 5: Blot some more.

Once you’re certain that the stain has been cleared, begin wiping it dry with a clean, dry towel. Blot up any extra cleaning solution until the stain is reasonably dried.

Step 6: Allow to air dry

Allow the seats to dry fully before reusing them. Sprinkle baking soda over the stain if it appears to be taking too long or if you need to drive sooner rather than later. This will assist to pull the extra moisture out faster, and you can then just vacuum up the baking soda. This will not have an instant impact, but it will work faster than simply letting items air dry.

For Leather Car Seats to Get out of Dog Pee 

What you will need:

  • Deep Leather Cleaner: If your vehicle seat is made of nubuck, suede, or unfinished leather, you must use a cleaner formulated particularly for it. Otherwise, they may be harmed. There are easy-to-use cleansers with mild formulations. You only need to spritz and wipe them.
  • Sponge or Pad: For cleaning the leather vehicle seat with the cleaner, a sponge or pad would be perfect.
  • Enzyme or Bacteria-Based Cleaner: Either of these two would be ideal for cleaning the stuffing.

How To Get Rid Of Dog Pee Out Of Leather Car Seats

Step 1: Using absorbent paper towels, blot the urine off the car seat.

To begin, remove urine from the vehicle seat by blotting it with absorbent paper towels from the seat’s surface. To prevent urine from spreading, avoid wiping and instead work from the outside corners of the contaminated area into the center.

Step 2: Remove the Stuffing from the Leather Car Seat

Remove the stuffing from the car seat by unzipping it. Check to see whether it smells like pee. If your car seat lacks a zipper and you cannot remove the filling, simply act quickly so that the pee does not settle within the stuffing.

Step 3: Remove the Urine Cleaning Leather using a Leather Cleaner

Before using the cleaner on your leather vehicle seat, test it on an inconspicuous area to determine whether it has any negative effects on the leather. If there isn’t enough, use a sponge or pad to clean big areas with it. Apply a little quantity of cleaner on the sponge or pad.

You should wipe the entire seat in circular motions, not just the damaged region. This avoids water stains on your automobile seat.

Step 4: Hand-wash the Stuffing of the Leather Car Seat

When washing the stuffing, use a bacterium or enzyme-based cleanser and gently wash it by hand. An enzyme cleanser is especially helpful for removing cat pee since it breaks down the uric acid in your pet’s urine.

Step 5: Allow the Car Seat Stuffing to Dry Completely

Allow the filling to air dry. Allow it to dry in the sun if possible. This will aid the drying process and eliminate the stench of pee in the car. The drying time should be limited to a few hours.

Step 6: Dry the Leather Car Seats

Allow the leather to dry in a cool place. Do not expose it to direct sunlight, since this can bleach and harden it. UV rays can also cause leather to crack and dry.


Owners and pet parents must deal with accidental pee on vehicle seats correctly to avoid the stink from staying and making drives uncomfortable. Simply follow the directions for cleaning pee from a car seat, and there will be no sign of urine left.

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Joyce He

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