Category: Car Repair & Clean

What Does Engine Knock Sound Like? (All You Should Know)

What Does Engine Knock Sound Like? (All You Should Know)

Having a healthy engine makes car owners happy. You would anticipate hearing that sweet engine purr when you turn the key in your ignition or push the start button. However, it can be extremely alarming if the engine makes strange noises when you start it, while you’re driving, or just sitting still. An engine knocking
How To Repair Hail Damage On Car Roof: 3 Effective Methods

How To Repair Hail Damage On Car Roof: 3 Effective Methods

Colorado, Texas, and several other states experience hailstorms frequently each year. Knowing your repair options can give you peace of mind if your preventative measures fall short if you live in a region where hail or strong storms are frequent occurrences. We all love our cars, but repairing them can be expensive if the damage
How To Clean Gas Spill In Car Trunk: Easy Steps To Follow

How To Clean Gas Spill In Car Trunk: 8 Easy Steps To Follow

The last thing you want in your car trunk is the gasoline that has been unintentionally spilled. It would be an unpleasant mess that could cause lung damage, headaches, dizziness, and carbon monoxide poisoning. However, it can occur when the gas tank for your lawnmower or another vehicle is in the trunk of your car.
How To Clean Car Under The Hood: Step-by-step Guide 2023

How To Clean Car Under The Hood: Step-by-step Guide 2023

Many people avoid cleaning the engine bay of their cars when they go to wash them because they are afraid to open the hood. Cleaning around electrical connections, wires, air filters, sensors, and other electrical parts can be challenging without getting them wet. Fortunately, most of the items under your hood can tolerate light moisture
How To Repair Large Dent In Car Door: 6 Useful Solutions

How To Repair Large Dent In Car Door: 6 Useful Solutions

The majority of car owners really fear getting a dent in their vehicle. Coming out of a grocery store only to discover that your door, fender, trunk, or even bumper has a dent is the worst feeling in the world. No matter where the gash is, dents on your car are awful, and they can
How To Keep A White Car Clean: 10 Effective Tips

How To Keep A White Car Clean: 10 Effective Tips

Everything reflects in white. Having paint chips, dust stains, and accumulated dirt on the surface of your white car can be easily seen when driving outside. Here are some effective tips you should be aware of to maintain the exterior of your white car. Tips to Keep Your White Car Clean Wax Your Car Often
How To Clean Car Seats With Shaving Cream: Step-by-step Guide

How To Clean Car Seats With Shaving Cream: Step-by-step Guide

Shaving cream is a multipurpose household item that does more than just make shaving easier. Shaving cream can be used in a variety of tasks, such as creating prints and cleaning car seats. In a nutshell, vacuuming the surface dirt, applying shaving cream with a sponge or soft-bristled brush, wiping the seats clean, and allowing
How Long Does It Take to Change a Tire: Quick Look

How Long Does It Take To Change A Tire: Quick Look

Tire and wheel replacement is not enjoyable because it takes a long time and is physically demanding. In addition to the fact that tires can be heavy, it’s essential to make sure the lug nuts are tight. In theory, mounting a new tire after raising the car and loosening the lug nuts seems like a
How to Clean a Car Engine: Step-by-step Guide

How to Clean a Car Engine: Step-by-step Guide

Before cleaning a greasy engine bay, be sure to check your county and state laws for public car wash regulations as well as your car owner’s manual for cleaning & degreasing suggestions. You can visit a self-serve car wash if you’d prefer not to clean your engine bay at home. The law requires these facilities